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The town of Tynec upon Sazava


The town lies in the northern part of Benesov District about 35km south of Prague and 10km from the district town of Benesov.

It is situated in a picturesque valley of the river Sazava and it is an important centre of intustry, culture, sports and a touristic centre, too. The historical sights from the end of 1st century in the centre of the town give the evidence of the importance  and history of this town.

Tynec used to be one of the most important industrial towns in the region and in the country. The beginning of the industrial production was in the first half of 19th century when the Count of Vrtba founded a factory for manufacture of pottery. A factory for manufacture of yarn was built in the second half of 19th century in the nearby Brodce.

Ingeneer Frantisek Janecek, Prague businessman, became the founder of the moderm industry in the 1930s. He built an aluminium, steel and non-ferrous metals foundry and he bought the yarn factory in Brodce and started to manufacture there the JAWA motorbikes and later the Minor cars.

 In the 1990s Jawa was still producing some hundred thousands of motorbike a year and both factories, JAWA a.s. and iron foundry METAZ a.s., employed cca three thousand workers. A decline in the employment rate began after 1989and was  caused by political changes and the loss markets (especially in Russia).

Birds eye view of Tynec nad Sazavou
Stone rotund
Church with cemetery
Detail information about
Tynec nad Sazavou 

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